Book Review- Niche Down: How to Become Legendary by Being Different

Katja Borger
2 min readMay 10, 2022

“Most of us are tricked into believing that achieving personal and professional success means fitting in. What it actually means, is standing out.”


The synopsis of Niche Down is, if you want to become legendary in business, you have to declare or define a niche.

Christopher Lochhead and Heather Clancy dive into the steps individuals and entrepreneurs took in order to “niche down”.

This book does not fall short in real life examples of individuals who noticed a problem, took action, niched down and really created something amazing.

“Designing a unique and distinct category niche is the biggest step that any entrepreneur can take towards successfully carving out territory in the minds of the audience they want to attract.”


While this book does have “how to” in the title, it’s not a how to book. Rather, it’s an inspiring book bound to give ideas on creating your own niche.

Be different, not better. By reading Niche Down, I learned that the most successful individuals had the ability to think outside the box. These people saw problems and devoted themselves to creating a niche of their own.

Lochhead and Clancy packed this book with so many thought provoking ideas and questions. By following legendary entrepreneurs, Niche Down challenges your way of thinking and solving problems.

“ If you can not find your place in the world, make your place in the world.”


The book is a very easy read with incredible examples of people who have created their unique place. It’s inspiring, encouraging and breaks down the process through the examples.

I would say, Niche Down is a very important book to read for any entrepreneurs looking to level up by creating something of their own.

“If you think about it, many of the people the world respects the most were (or are) different not better.”



Katja Borger

Podcaster| Praxis | Freelance Marketing |Chelsea F.C