My Goal to Finish Strong

Katja Borger
2 min readOct 6, 2021
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash

Feeling the mornings get colder and the Wisconsin trees changing colors, I can’t help but reflect on this past year. So much has changed and yet I feel like more change is yet to come. One thing is for certain though, anything is better than 2020.

I felt like over these 9 short months of 2021 I have grown so much. January, I graduated high school, May I started Praxis, June is when I became an official adult and August is when I got my first apartment and started my job at Wausau Area Property Management.

My goal is to finish off the next three months of 2021 stronger than ever. Here are a few of my goals for the next three months.

Goal #1

Read at least four more books which will bring my grand total to 15 this year. The books I have chosen are “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson, “Limitless” by Jim Kwik, a real estate book that my boss wants me to read, and the fourth book is tbd.

Goal #2

My second goal is to expand my knowledge of the German language. I have a 250 day streak on duolingo so I already practice everyday but ideally I want to finish my course by the end of the year and I want to start watching movies and reading in German to really instill the language in my mind.

Goal #3

Goal number three is to get back into a solid workout routine. I was the kind of person who worked out at the very least four days a week from going to the gym, to going on runs to swimmings laps, I was always active. Unfortunately, due to the busy summer, I have become less active. I want to challenge myself to hit the gym twice a week and to run at least once.

The ultimate purpose of this post is to put my goals out there. I believe that when you make your goals public, you are more likely to achieve them because others know about them. Setting goals has been an important part of how I’ve gotten to where I am in life. Let’s see where the next three months take me!



Katja Borger

Podcaster| Praxis | Freelance Marketing |Chelsea F.C